re.think is a program of Hope Rising Pregnancy Center. Hope Rising has been serving the greater Miami valley since 1982 by providing free pregnancy testing, limited ultrasounds, material resources (diapers, formula, car seats, etc.), parenting education and more for women facing unplanned pregnancies.


After nearly a decade of serving women facing unplanned pregnancies, Hope Rising decided to become proactive. In 1991, we started the Worth Waiting For program. Worth Waiting For shared the message that abstaining from sexual activity is a powerful, positive, and possible choice in classrooms throughout the Greater Miami Valley.


In 2023, we recognized we needed to rethink the Worth Waiting For program. The program was regularly updated through the years but we knew a major change was needed. Attitudes and mindsets about sexuality have radically changed since the program stated in 1991. The effects of sexual promiscuity and misinformation about sex has left devastating consequences.

After a lengthy strategic planning process, we knew we needed to expand our services and that is when re.think emerged.


Our Sexual Integrity Program

Just as we provide hope for women facing unplanned pregnancies, our re.think program, which began as a seed of an idea in 2023, provides hope for teens and their parents to live out and teach sexual integrity in this “anything goes” age. We know culture has taken so much and twisted it, but hope is rising within us that we can turn the tide from sexual promiscuity to sexual integrity.


We cannot listen to the message of the culture that says, “Teaching abstinence is old-fashioned; kids are going to do it anyway.”

We have to listen to the Lord, who directs us in 1 Corinthians 6:18 to

“flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.”

re.think is a sexual integrity program for students, parents, and other adults of influence in teens’ lives to turn the tide of sexual promiscuity and immorality back toward the truth of God’s Word.

Our prayer is that teens, parents, and adults who care about our kids and our culture will join us in our mission to re.think sex so the Lord is glorified in all we say and in all we do.

Learn about our workshops for teens and adults! Join us in turning the tide!

Engage with the re.think program to gain the mental tools and mindset to prevent the long-term repercussions of casual sex.